Busting your balls with my pointy high heels
I am your balls worst nightmare
How does it feel getting your balls busted by a
Your balls are going to be bruised and swollen
Destroying your testicles is so much fun
How would you like your balls busted by a
I'm going to give you a b ballbusting
Your balls are about to be in big trouble
Ballbusted for hitting on girls
Say goodbye to your pathetic little balls
Your balls are in trouble
How would you like your balls crushed by two bad bitches
I will punish you with a savage ballbusting
Your balls are going to be swollen and blue
Smashing your pathetic little balls for fun
Kicking your ball until they are swollen and bruised
Your pathetic little balls are in big trouble
How many kicks in the balls until you scream
Ballbusting your puny testicles
Making your balls swollen from busting
Kicking you in the balls until you beg for mercy
Busting your balls until they are black and blue
I will bust your tiny little balls until they burst
Kicking your balls until they are black and blue
Ballusting you right in the nads
Kicked in the balls for looking at other girls
Destroying your testicles are so much fun
Kicked in the balls by a bratty
Busting your little balls brings me so much pleasure
Ballbusting ball boxing
I will bust your balls until you cant even walk
I am going to bust your balls until you beg for mercy
Have you ever had you balls busted by a real dominatrix
Bruising your balls with my high heels
I'll kick your ass and balls without pity cause u are a depravate
Ballbusting and ball kicking humiliation