Rosemarie lindt in salon kitty 1976
Christina jackson in outsiders 2016 2
Sissy spacek in carrie 1976
Carla gallo in californication 2007 2014 2
Charlotte lewis in sketch artist 1992 2
Bojana novakovic in shameless 2010 2016 2
Kathleen quinlan in lifeguard 1976
Louise golding in lifeguard 1976
Olga kurylenko in magic city 2012 2013 2
Callie thorne in the americans 2013 2016 2
Tzila karney an american hippie in israel 1972 2
Cécile de france izïa higelin in summertime 2015 2
Candy clark in the man who fell to earth 1976
Claudia jennings in the man who fell to earth 1976
Linda hayden fiona richmond in expose 1976
Sylvia jefferies walker payne 2006 2
Martine stedil die marquise von sade 1976
Monica zanchi and vinja locatelli suor emanuelle 1977
Lina romay and monica swinn die marquise von sade 1976